Mbombe 6×6 built in Jordan
“The production of Mbombe in
Jordan signals an important mile-
stone in the continuing growth of
the defence industrial capability in
the Middle East,” said Major General
Omar Al Kaldi, chief executive of
KADDB. “By integrating our tech
nologies, engineering skills and
know-how, we bring innovation to
the industry.”
Signing of the contract followed
extensive vehicle trials in 50°C
desert environments in Jordan and
the UAE, right down to -50°C dur-
ing winter in Kazakhstan.
Mbombe successfully completed the rigorous
trials, covering more than 10,000km
in the world’s most harsh and
challenging environments.
Clearly pleased with Jordan’s
decision to select the South
African-developed Mbombe 6×6,
Ivor Ichikowitz, founder and execu-
tive chairman of Paramount, noted
the long history of collaboration
with Jordan. “We are very excited
to support the development of a
defence industrial base in Jordan
that will contribute to employment,
skills development and technology
transfer, as well as training.”
SA Artillery