Israeli aerostat company RT LTA
Systems is marketing its SkyStar family
of aerostats, which includes
the Skystar 110, SkyStar 18and SkyStar 330, while RT’s
subsidiary, Aero-T, is highlighting
its SkyGuard1 large aerostat
RT LTA has disclosed that it has received
an order from an unnamed
European customer for the
purchase of a SkyStar 180, having
rented it for a number of months.
SkyStar aerostats are a self-
contained, versatile and easily
transportable tactical system,
ideal for defence, border and
homeland security and public
safety missions.
Offering availability of more than 85
per cent in any given area,
SkyStar systems have already
accumulated more than 1.5
million operational hours
worldwide.SA Artillery