TAPV delivery on course
The 5th Canadian Division
Support Base (5 CDSB)
Gagetown is preparing to receive
initial deliveries of the Canadian
Army’s new 4×4 Tactical
Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV)
capability following completion
of reliability, availability,
maintainability and durability
(RAMD) trials April 2016.
The vehicle, which is being
shown for the first time at
CANSEC since the RAMD trials,
will be delivered to 5 CDSB
trainers in August prior to being
fielded with the Army later in 2016r.
To achieve RAMD sign-off, the
TAPV was required to complete
a series of rigorous operational
tests, including driving more
than 130,000km on challenging
terrain that represented potential
operational profiles prescribed by
the Canadian Army.
SA Artillery