Trophy-HV APS
Intended for main battle
tanks (MBTs) and heavier
armoured personnel carriers
(APCs), and weighing some
800kg, the Trophy-HV APS is
a fully autonomous hard-kill
system designed to neutralise
all types of current and known
future threats, including
anti-tank guided missiles,
all rocket-propelled grenade
types, and all types of recoilless
rifle munitions.
The standard Trophy-HV architecture
comprises an Elta EL/M-
2133F/G band fire-control radar
with four flat-panel antennas
mounted on the platform’s
hull/turret, to deliver a 360o
field of view; computers,
processors and two Multiple
Explosive Formed Penetrators
(MEFP) countermeasures
launchers; and an autoloader,
which delivers additional
MEFP countermeasures to the
SA Artillery