The NSA Cyber Breach (Dec 2020 discovery) is Nakasone’s
DOD headache.The massive breach of the US systems have
evolved into a critical game of survival for US
interests(DOD & Commerce).The heart of the solving
issue is simple.
Ensure that the systems in place use open source code.
When Google was hacked way back then (pre 2010), they were using
a mix of Windows and Linux open source servers. The hackers
simply waited till the Windows servers (worldwide) had security issues
reported on the internet, then immediately hacked Google.
Google now is very happy , because every morning 2 million
eyeballs review their code(Linux Open Source) , post changes
strengthening their software automatically to the Linux repository
which users download from. Google now has no worries in this
respect , its search engine has rock solid reliability
and uptime.
The US departments that use proprietory software rather
than open source should be held responsible directly
for breaches. Since the department chose ‘inferior’
systems over superior Linux, NSA’s Nakasone should
drill this into the US establishment.
Proof of Linux is good for the military (DOD)
can be seen by androids, when the first mobile phones
came out every maker (Nokia, Blackberry etc) were all
trying to make the ‘uber’ phone and system, well who
won by 2021 , just take out your phone , its Android , so then
its Linux. Android is just a ‘subset’ of Linux. Thats the
superior system which the DOD should be using.
SA Artillery