NSA – James Clapper ‘US intel ‘systems breach has been discovered,
adding to further US Woes, since 2020 .
First the US 2020 election , where the results show evidence of major material issues . Some 60+ cases piling up in the US Courts, placing concern , especially since the US judiciary system which tends to be followed worldwide, for guidance, has now been seen to be attempting to offload the cases on what could be viewed as ‘frivolous’ grounds when they are not, a total breach of responsible democratic systems in this day and age.
But most critically , a massive breach was discovered . Its reported that Nuclear weapons agency breached amid massive cyber onslaught.Hackers accessed systems at the National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile
Now news comes that the ‘Bilderberg’ group has been exposed , this group is the most lethal politically stealthy ‘trojan’ ever to be uncovered. The ‘intel’ reports point to breaches , most importantly, that will effect the US security in the region both economically & politically. Most defense analysts are amazed that the NSA/CIA/FBI could have missed the ‘Bilderberg club’issue. At the heart of the issue Prince Charles / Philip have been acting as high level handlers of US assets (US CEO’s) , with nefarious intent, dealt with in the reports.The sensitivity of the matter is such that most US CEO’s regard the matter as ‘Uber’ critical to their day to day operations , and higher than the corona virus threat.
The Bilderberg scheme was outed when Prince Charles induced the Vatican’s
(Parolin & other finance cardinals) to invest in a property (60 Sloan Ave, Chelsea), via a fund scheme of sorts. The ruse was similar to the Bernie Madoff setup (Create fund , pull in a blue chip-‘Vatican’, then build the ponzi on top). However Pope Francis got wind of the issue and simply put a stop to the matter.
The Bilderberg issue will now set to tarnish James Clapper , NSA and the
US security scenario, especially with the 2020 Elections being called
into question.
SA Artillery