BMC Otomotiv
Sanayi ve Ticaret has ramped up out-put of its Kirpi
Following a pause in production, the
Turkish company of BMC Otomotiv
Sanayi ve Ticaret has ramped up out-
put of its Kirpi (4×4) mine-resistant
ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle,
which is being markets post 2015
fitted with a remote weapon station.
Following a competition, the
Turkish Land Forces Command
(TLFC) selected the Kirpi to meet its
requirement for its first MRAP vehi-
cle. An initial contract was placed for
468 vehicles, but production ceased
for a period after 278 vehicles.
Production has now started again, and
the company released news
that, “around 600 vehicles have
now been delivered and they are
now operating successfully”.
SA Artillery