Hit a moving target
For precision combat marksmanship,
a target with human-like
actions comes close to the real thing.
Australia-based Marathon Smart
Targets is showing its range
of robotic targets,
including the flagship T-40,
developed in conjunc-
tion with the country’s
Department of Defence.
The human-shaped targets
display artificial intel-
ligence by moving and behaving
autonomously like real humans,
even reacting to live-firing from
a shooter.
When hit, the mannequin drops and
other targets on the range scatter
for cover, only to re-emerge after
a pause to counter-attack. In
this way, combatants are trained
to fight against unpredictable
moving targets, using live ammuni-
tion. According to the company,
its smart robots represent
the next evolution in
marksmanship and
live-fire tactical
SA Artillery