India award
India’s prestigious Defence
Technology Award was recently
conferred on SMPP for its bulletproof jackets. The
company has supplied bulletproof
products to the Indian Air Force,
naval commandos, paramilitary
forces and state police, and armed
forces around the world.
SMPP’s advanced technology
includes boron carbide to make
some of the lightest bulletproof
jackets on the market, which conform
to the Indian Army’s GSQR-1438.
Developed in pursuit of the country’s
Make in India initiative, the ultra-light
bulletproof jackets provide 360°
protection at level NIJ III+ Standard,
i.e. Against a 7.62mm calibre bullet
fired from an assault rifle.
SMPP also manufactures ballistic
shields, armour for vehicles, aircraft
and ships, blast protection solutions
and combustible cartridges for tank
and artillery munitions. SA Artillery