Pointing the way
While the actual weapon is
called the CTC, when combined
with the gun mount, ammunition
handling system, gun control
equipment and controller, it is
called the Cased Telescoped
Armament System (CTAS).
The company has delivered
more than 100,000 rounds of
target practice – tracer (TP-T),
armour-piercing fin-stabilised
discarding sabot – tracer
(APFSDS-T), general purpose
round – air burst tracer (GPR-
AB-T) and general purpose
round – point detonating – tracer
(GPR-PD-T). The target practice
reduced range (TPRR) round will
be qualified in 2018 and will be
followed by the kinetic energy
– air burst (KE-AB), which is
optimised to engage unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) and contains
a number of sub-munitions.
While the first examples of the
40mm CTC are for the ground-
to-ground role, Thales has
developed the Rapidfire for the
air defence/UAV role; this consists
of a remote-controlled turret on
a UNIMOG (6×6) platform with a
protected cab.SA Artillery