In the game of politics and war he who has the best intel wins.Its not the size of the army that counts , its how you use it.
President Trump , on taking office noted the politicl spectrum on the globe and made some interesting calls, all of them would play a role in the current 2020 election climate.
The 2nd fleet is up and running , 90 000 US servicemen energised,no longer waiting , but more importantly now connected to the EU. This fleet is strategic , but its statement is clear , EU US strains will be worked out , and we (US) are able to show our presence without the EU/Germany issue of busting the defence
Budget (the 2.5% GDP margin that was set for Angela Merkel).
In fact US could downsize the US military stationed in Germany,increase the US navy in EU waters , and relocate sizable army units to say Spain or even Switzerland on a rotation basis.
The USN option gives NATO better mobility , more air support without some pesky politician complaining about noise or pollution.Fundimentaly , hardwired bases in the EU defense complex are easy to strike at today with GPS , satellite etc , thus mobility is going to be key to survivability on the future battlefield.
As the US pumped China , it got hit by the corona virus , thus the US can see that in the long run (post 2020) , economically the Chinese economy is out.
What most failed to see , that Trump had quietely shored up Saudi Arabia. The greatest foe in the middle est is Iran. Every US general knows that Iran is more potent than North Korea in both the political and military
context. Iran , its existence is owed to UK , who with access to the US military intel archives, nailed the the Sha’s network, its sole purpose is to dominate the ME for Russia, UK & China. But President Trump stepped
in , made a call and provided the Saudi Arabia with economic aid that strengthens the region economically, but also provides an incentive for Saudi Arabia to modernise on all fronts of the political spectrum.
Thus Israel which expected to be marginalised , now has new competition on the block , Saudi Arabia ,
with US & EU inputs is now expanding its industrial base , initially weapons but moving to broader products later, will find the region being built up like Hong Kong , but away from the corona virus type situations bred by China.
President Trump , having set the global stage , now has the greatest brawl in history coming , the storming of the ‘rainbow bastille’, the well known ‘fake
news brigade’. Nobody said it would be easy , but then President Trump is known for his toughness , and the beauty of all this , you don’t have to watch a soap opera , just read the news, you are part of it.
SA Artillery