Wide range of user
To meet a wide range of user
requirements, the Cockerill 300MTS can be fitted with various
weapons. Medium-calibre options
include 25mm, 30mm, 35mm,
40mm and 50mm weapons, while
heavier weapons include 90mm and
105mm rifled guns.
Both of the heavier weapons
can fire a gun-launched anti-tank
guided missile (GLATGM) to 5,000m,
which is well beyond the range of
the rifled gun. The GLATGM is fitted
with a tandem high-explosive anti-
tank warhead to defeat targets fitted
with explosive reactive armour.
A wide range of optional equip-
ment is available, including co-axial
machine guns, roof-mounted
remote weapon station armed with
various weapons up to 40mm auto-
matic grenade launchers, banked
grenade launchers and rail- or tube-
launched anti-tank missiles.
The turret’s modular protection
package allows for a maximum bal-
listic protection level of STANAG
4569 Level 5.
SA Artillery