The Autopsy of Ashli Babbitt killing (Washington 2021);
Police officers leave much to be desired in the incident,
the video was viewed shortly before it was taken down
by twitter, somewhat sadly in this democratic society
we live by.
“Moment of gunfire inside US Capitol; CNN reports the woman is in critical condition”
Essentially Ashli Babbitt(ex USAF vet) was in DC taking
part in demonstrations (Washington) which were Pro-Trump in nature.
This is not unusual in a democracy , since individuals
at times flex their authority with their presence
as Ashli did here. The footage shows a video of a milling
crowd at a door (no really hostile/aggressive acts like
torching or tearing at fixtures and fittings like in the
Detroit riots) , then Ashli (in the background away from the
door moves forward ‘milling’), the milling group turns toward
her, one alongside catches her as she falls, the blurred footage
shows clear bleeding in mouth and neck.
It looks as if the the shot had been an aimed ‘head shot’ since its
upper body , above the ‘core’ , but got her neck/chest (the footage
was too blurred to precisely id the entry point), all the while
there are 7-10 milling individuals in the corridor. On the
“other” side of doors which have glass windows/portals to view through.
The shooting , totally uncalled for , was excessive , near miss , or
lower extremity warning shots could have been fired to express
seriousness of situation to the police officers by the interlopers.
The issue here is
1.US Congress Police knew there were tensions running high
over the 2020 Elections , Trumps position was there was fraud,
the courts failed to address it and the CIA/FBI/NSA did not
even open a docket. I mean Trump is the US President. Also
had a docket been opened , professional investigators could
have proved or disproved beyond reasonable doubt Trumps
claim , thus the shooting of a defenseless women, ex USAF,
who served higher intelligence in the DoD is unforgiving.
The DC police have now created a dangerous situation :
1. If any member of the US Military corps arrives with troops
in tow (even 10) , then you have civil war from that point on.
Perlosi & McConnell wont exist any more.
2. Asymmetrical conflict is now likely to erupt in the USA,
as the police ‘heavy-handed’ citizens , the citizens will now
vent their fury out in regions where the ‘democrats’/rainbows
reside. This is exactly what happened in Spain during Franco’s
era (WW2). The communists(atheists) killed someone in a Catholic village
(Christian) , on the basis that Christians are the ‘soft’, ‘sweet’
‘marsh mellow’ types , well that all changed , the priests got involved
and retribution set in with a war of attrition. The communists lost
because Christianity trumped the whole lot, at a bloody cost. This
could now happen in the USA , thanks to foolish police officers.
Ashli Babbitt(ex USAF vet) should never have been killed, the police
overstepped their authority, such behavior could easily escalate
between forces.(See assassination of Archduke Frans Ferdinand – WW1)